Association News and Updates

Gemini House Contact Information

Updated: June 10, 2022

Due to several recent disturbances, neighbors have asked the FSPHA Board for contact information for the Gemini House located at 1512 Lake Forest Drive. The board encourages FSPHA residents to report any incidents witnessed or experienced to both the FSPHA Board ( and directly to the following to ensure proper attention is given to the situation:

House Address: 1512 Lake Forest Drive, Charlottesville, VA 22901

Program Director: Kara Gloeckner
517 Park St.
Charlottesville, VA 22902

PO Box 1797
Richmond, VA 23218-1797
(804) 786-1747
Portal to File a Complaint with DBHDS

Before the sale of 1512 Lake Forest Drive, the HOA was not notified of the home’s intended use and even though the FSPHA Covenants prohibit group/transient homes, the board has been informed by two attorneys that federal and state laws supersede our covenants.

The FPSHA board sent a letter to the licensing agency above on June 1, 2021, which included many of the reported incidents up to that date, but the more ongoing and timely reports of incidents from homeowners, especially ones that include documented evidence (photos or videos), the more likely the situation and house residents will be given the attention that is needed

2018 Annual Meeting Brief, Minutes and New FY 19 Annual Budget.

Good Day Homeowners,

My apologies for getting this out so late after the annual meeting.

Below is the link to the PowerPoint brief that was presented at the annual meeting.
(Please keep in mind that this is a brief.  It does not “Read” well without being “Briefed”.)

2018 Annual Meeting Brief

Below is the Link to the 2018 Annual Meeting Minutes.

2018 Annual Meeting Minutes

Of note:  The budget outlined in the annual meeting was not approved at the time of the annual meeting.  The final approved budget was slightly cheaper in order to divide evenly by 12 months.

Below is the link to the approved FY 2019 (1 July 2018- 30 June 2019) Annual Budget.

Final FY 19 Budget

May 2018 Update (Cable Contract)

Good Day Homeowners,

Since the Comcast cable contract is expiring the association convened a cable committee to review cable TV offerings in the area in order to permit homeowners to make an informed decision.  The Cable committee was comprised of three (3) homeowners, Mr Page Beverly, Ms Susie McCormick and Ms Mary Hackett. Please see below for their findings.

Comcast TV Service:

  1. Bulk Service Available
  2. $31.48 per unit. (31.48 x 133 homes) x 12 Months: $50,242.08 annually billed to the association.
  3. Five (5) year contract
  4. Includes Limited and Expanded Basic Channels (345 Channels)
  5. Two (2) Digital receiver boxes included
  6. Note: The retail rate for individual (non-bulk) customer would be $91.40 for the same package.
  7. Click (Here) to review Comcast offer details.

DIRECT-TV Service:

  1. No Bulk Package/Pricing Available. (The bellow refers to individual homeowner packages only.)
  2. The Direct-TV SELECT package advertises for $40.00/month for a two (2) year contract commitment ($35.00 with auto-pay), plus taxes.  HOWEVER, effective month 13 of the contract, the price increases to $82.00/month ($78.00 with auto-pay), plus taxes.
  3. Channel lineup is comparable to Comcast. Click (Here) to see a comparative list of channels.
  4. Introductory special: $35.00 activation fee waived if ordered on-line.  Lower rates for the first year of the contract, including three (3) free months of HBO, Showtime, Cinemax and Starz channels.
  5. Location of dish would vary from house to house, depending on best location for reception.
  6. There is no cable involved. There is no equipment fee.  Professional installation provided for free.

Dish Network TV Service:

  1. No Bulk Package/Pricing Available. (The bellow refers to individual homeowner packages only.)
  2. Dish network would provide (1) dish for the roof.  Homes that have roofs without proper access to the signal can have the dish installed on a post.
  3. Cost for dish install: $100.00
  4. $85.00 per month.  Covers two (2) TVs. Channel lineup not clear.
  5. $34.99 per month. Covers one (1) TV and will provides fifty (50) cable channels and no local channels.

(FSPHA President Comments: The Comcast offer is more competitive that what the association currently has. The channel list is larger, the term is shorter and the rate is slightly cheaper. Despite the shorter contract period of five (5) years, I still feel this is a longer term contract than the association should sign.)

Since cable service may be a contentious issue in the association, we will have a proxy vote to determine the way forward. Homeowners can expect electronic ballots this month so your desire can be known. Those unable to complete electronic ballots will complete paper ballots. If note: if the community votes to discontinue providing cable services, the monthly assessment (dues) will be reduced to approximately $50.00 per month. If not, the association dues with be increased by 5% (approximately $77.00) to address reserve account contributions and common area maintenance shortfalls.

That’s all for now.

Christopher Meadows
President, PSPHA

March 2018 Update

Good Day Homeowners,

Hope all is well and the recent wind didn’t remove too many shingles.  Just a few updates to pass prior to next month’s newsletter.

Association Assessment Due Date:

During the March 2018 Board meeting, the board voted to extend the payment deadline by an additional week prior to late fees being assessed.  The official due “No Later than” date was changed from the 7th of the pay period to the 15th.  Please keep in mind, if your payment is not received by this date, a 10 dollar late fee will be assessed.

New Official Guidance:
Association dues payments are required by the 15th of the month to avoid a late fee.

Monthly Payees: By the 15th of each month.
Quarterly Payees: By the 15th of January, April, July and October.
Annual Payees: By the 15th of July.

As of Oct 2017, any payment coupons (payment slips) in circulation within the association are out of date and no longer reflect accurate information.

Cable Due Diligence Committee:

As you read in the last newsletter, the association is not planning on renewing the Cable Contract with Comcast.  As mentioned, this decision is out of financial necessity in that the association does not take in enough assessments to justify this continued expenditure.
That said, to ensure all homeowners are kept informed, a due diligence committee will be convened.  This committee will be tasked with reviewing any cable company offers to the association as well as Comcast’s counter offer.   Upon competition of the due diligence period, the committee lead will present their findings to the board and the board will publish them on this forum for the homeowners to review at their leisure.  At the end of the day, the decision regarding cable services rests with all the homeowners.  Homeowners can expect a proxy vote in the coming months.

If you are interested in being on the cable committee, please click here and let the board know.  Mr Page Beverly will be designated as the committee lead.  3 other homeowners are needed to assist with this due diligence.

That’s all for now.  Until next time.

Christopher Meadows
President, FSPHA


Jan 2018 Newsletter & Update

Good Day Homeowners.  Below is this quarter’s association newsletter.  The following corrections have been made:

1) FSPHA President’s address has been corrected. (How did I miss that?)
2) The FSPHA Secretary’s email address has been corrected.

FSPHA Quarterly Newsletter_Jan2018_Final

As reminder, if you would like to receive your Newsletter and Quarterly Invoice via email, please email our Association Secretary at  Please include the below information in your email:

Full Name
Phone Number
Email Address

Some homeowners were confused regarding the late fee assessment (10 dollars) that occurred on 19 Jan.

In October of 2017, the board decided to shift dues payment “Due Dates” to the beginning of the quarter (7th of the first month) vis the end of the quarter.  This change allows the association to cover its expenses for the quarter as they are due.  Accepting retroactive payments (post the quarter) is generally not a good way to do business because it puts the association in a position to float the full cost of bills for the quarter before revenue shows up.

Because this change is still relatively new, the board decided to delay assessing late fees until the new year (19 January) to give homeowners a chance to adapt to the new change.  This change may not have been clearly addressed in previous newsletters.  All subsequent newsletters for the next few quarters will contain a reminder of the change and reflect the most current due date.

Official Guidance
Association dues payments are required by the 7th of the month to avoid a late fee.
Monthly Payees: By the 7th of each month.
Quarterly Payees: By the 7th of January, April, July and October.
Annual Payees: By the 7th of July.

 As of Oct 2017, any payment coupons (payment slips) in circulation within the association are out of date and no longer reflect accurate information.

Christopher Meadows
FSPHA President